Sample Requirements


Sample type
A Lavender EDTA 4ml/6ml*
B Gold SST/Gel 5ml
C Light Blue Citrate 4.5ml
F Red None 6ml
G Grey Fluoride oxalate 2ml, 4ml
H Green Lithium heparin 6ml
K Dark blue Trace metal 7ml
* 6ml EDTA tubes are used for specific PCR assays

Other sample types

Sample type
BC Blood culture bottle: contact laboratory
J Contact laboratory for advice on sample taking
X Test by appointment
RF Random Faeces
LF Faecal Collection
RU Random Urine
MSU Mid stream urine
FCRU First catch random urine (for DL12/Chlamydia, etc.)
CU 30ml aliquot from a 24 hour urine collection – state total volume
PU 30ml aliquot from a 24 hour urine collection with 10ml of 0.1N hydrochloric acid added – state total volume
EMU Early morning urine (1st sample of the day)
SC 60ml container
TPV Cytyc thin prep vial
STM Orange/Blue swab for culture – swab in transport medium/Blue microswab
CS Black charcoal swab
VS Green viral swab
PCR PCR swab for Chlamydia/PCR Infection Screening
MW Tap/bottled water mouth wash – 20mls
AF Amniotic fluid (5mls PCR – 10mls Karyotype)
CVS Chorionic villus (medium provided by laboratory)
UCYT Urine cytology container
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